Dr. Atapol N. Sughondhabirom

Dr. Atapol N. Sughondhabirom


1981-1983 – High School – Triam Udom Suksa School, Bangkok, Thailand.
1984-1989 – Medical School – Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
1989-1990 – Internship – King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand.
1990-1993 – Residency Training
– Psychiatric Residency Training program, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
2000- 2004 – Postdoctoral fellowship in Psychiatric
genetics/ Psychopharmacology – Clinical Neurosciences Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA.


Degrees & Certificates

1990 Doctor of Medicine (Second class honor), Chulalongkorn University
1991 Graduate Diploma in Clinical Science, Chulalongkorn University
1992 ECFMG Certificate (NO.0-0-456-345-8)
1993 Thai Board in Psychiatry, Thai Medical Council
2002 Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams
2003 HIPPA for Research Staff
2004 Overview of Good Clinical Practice and Human Subjects Protection


1990 Thai Medical Council
1993 Psychiatric Association of Thailand
1995 Royal College of Psychiatrists of Thailand

Career Development

1990 -1993 Psychiatric resident, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Bangkok, Thailand.
1993 -Present Faculty member, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of
Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
1993 -Present Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand.
1996 -2000 guest-lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Rangsit University,
Patumthanee, Thailand.
1998 -2000 guest-lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University,
Pitsanulok, Thailand.
2000-2002 Freedman Fellowship, Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine.
2002-2004 NIH-Thai-US Drug Dependence Program Fellowship, Yale University School of Medicine.
2005-2007 Member, Drug Abuse Solution Support Committee, Thai Health Promotion Foundation.
2005-2006 Curriculum Committee, Master of Sciences on Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
2006-2008 Project Manager, Addiction Knowledge Management Project.
2006-2011 Executive Committee, Psychiatric Association of Thailand.
2007-2011 Expert member, National Drug Rehabilitation Committee under Drug Rehabilitation Act B.E.2544
2007-2013 Expert member, National Act Committee, under the Narcotic Act B.E. 2522
2007-2010 Assistant Director on Human Resources and Knowledge Management, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society.
2007-2010 Human Resources Committee, Thai Red Cross Society.
2009-2010 Executive Committee, Thai Community Empowerment Foundation.
2009-2011 Master Trainer for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Treatnet program
2010-2012 Elected member, Administrative Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
2013-present Chief Medical Officer, V.J. Clinic. Co. Ltd.
2015-present Deputy Chair on clinical services, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
2017-present Chief Advisor, Regent Immunotherapy Inc


1. Teaching at Chulalongkorn University
1.1 Undergraduate

  • Behavioral science for first year medical students
  • Human Behavior for third year medical students
  • Psychiatric clerkship for fifth year medical students

1.2 Postgraduate

  • Residents in Psychiatric Residency training program ,King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society
  • Students in Master of Science program in Mental Health

2. Psychiatric Service

King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
Outpatient department

  • General psychiatry clinic
  • Substance abuse clinic

Inpatient department
Consultation Liaison service

3. Administration

  • Member of the Organizing Committee for the 40th Annual Academic Conference of Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University (1998 – 1999)
  • Member of the Comprehensive Licensing Examination Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. (1995 – 1997)
  • Member of medical student curriculum development committee, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty
    of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
  • Member of the Master of Science program in Mental Health curriculum committee, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
  • Member of the Master of Science program in Occupational Health curriculum committee, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.
  • Member of the Department of Psychiatry committee, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.(1999-2000, 2005-Present)


1. Atapol Sughondhabirom, Robert T. Malison; “In Vivo Effects of Psychostimulants on Brain Dopamine Systems : Contributions of Human PET and SPECT Studies” in Dopamine Receptors and Transporters: Function, Imaging, and Clinical Implication; Anita Sidhu, Marc Laruelle, Philippe Vernier; Marcel Dekker; 2nd edition, March 2003; page 61-682. ISBN 0-8247-0854-7.
2. Sughondhabirom A., Jain D., Gueorguieva R.,Coric V., Berman R., Lynch WJ., Self D.,Jatlow P., Malison RT. A paradigm to investigate the self-regulation of cocaine administration in humans. Psychopharmacology (2005) 180: 436–446.
3. A paradigm to investigate the regulation of cocaine self-administration in human cocaine users: a randomized trial. Lynch WJ, Sughondhabirom A, Pittman B, Gueorguieva R, Kalayasiri R, Joshua
D, Morgan P, Coric V, Malison RT. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2006 Apr;185(3):306-14.
4. Self-reported paranoia during laboratory “binge” cocaine self-administration in humans. Kalayasiri R, Sughondhabirom A, Gueorguieva R, Coric V, Lynch WJ, Morgan PT, Cubells JF, Malison RT. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2006 Feb;83(2):249-56.
5. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene (DbetaH) -1021C–>T influences self-reported paranoia during cocaine self-administration. Kalayasiri R, Sughondhabirom A, Gueorguieva R, Coric V, Lynch WJ, Lappalainen J, Gelernter J, Cubells JF, Malison RT. Biol Psychiatry. 2007 Jun 1;61(11):1310-3.
6. Demographic changes and marker properties affect detection of human population differentiation. Listman JB, Malison RT, Sughondhabirom A, Yang BZ, Raaum RL, Thavichachart N, Sanichwankul K, Kranzler HR, Tangwonchai S, Mutirangura A, Disotell TR, Gelernter J. BMC Genet. 2007 May 11;8:21.
7. Sequence variation and linkage disequilibrium in the GABA transporter-1 gene (SLC6A1) in five populations: implications for pharmacogenetic research. Hirunsatit R, Ilomäki R, Malison R, Räsänen P, Ilomäki E, Kranzler HR, Kosten T, Sughondhabirom A, Thavichachart N, Tangwongchai S, Listman J, Mutirangura A, Gelernter J, Lappalainen J. BMC Genet. 2007 Oct 17;8:71.
8. Interpopulation linkage disequilibrium patterns of GABRA2 and GABRG1 genes at the GABA cluster locus on human chromosome 4. Ittiwut C, Listman J, Mutirangura A, Malison R, Covault J, Kranzler HR, Sughondhabirom A, Thavichachart N, Gelernter J. Genomics. 2008 Jan;91(1):61-9.
9. Subjective responses and cardiovascular effects of self-administered cocaine in cocaine-abusing men and women. Lynch WJ, Kalayasiri R, Sughondhabirom A, Pittman B, Coric V, Morgan PT, Malison RT. Addict Biol. 2008 Sep;13(3-4):403-10. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2008.00115.x.
10. Regulation of cocaine self-administration in humans: lack of evidence for loading and maintenance phases. Angarita GA, Pittman B, Gueorguieva R, Kalayasiri R, Lynch WJ, Sughondhabirom A, Morgan PT, Malison RT. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2010 Mar;95(1):51-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2009.12.005.
11. Identification of population substructure among Jews using STR markers and dependence on reference populations included. Listman JB, Hasin D, Kranzler HR, Malison RT, Mutirangura A, Sughondhabirom A, Aharonovich E, Spivak B, Gelernter J. BMC Genet. 2010 Jun 14;11:48. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-11-48.
12. Inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of DSM-IV opioid dependence in a Hmong isolate using the Thai version of the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism
(SSADDA). Malison RT, Kalayasiri R, Sanichwankul K, Sughondhabirom A, Mutirangura A, Pittman B, Gueorguieva R, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J. Addict Behav. 2011 Jan-Feb;36(1-2):156-60. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2010.08.031.
13. Protocol and rationale-the efficacy of minocycline as an djunctive treatment for major depressive disorder: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial. Dean OM, Maes M, Ashton M, Berk L, Kanchanatawan B, Sughondhabirom A, Tangwongchai S, Ng C, Dowling N, Malhi GS, Berk M. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2014 Dec;12(3):180-8. doi: 10.9758/cpn.2014.12.3.180. Review.

Areas of interests

1. Addiction Psychiatry
2. Psychiatric Genetics
3. Human Resources.
4. Community Empowerment.
5.  Immunotherapy
6. Alternative medicine